Engaging a family lawyer is not a straightforward task. Don’t just Google and pick the one that comes up first, or the one that is the closest to your home. It is really important to find the right family lawyer for you – not just any lawyer.

Find The Right Family Lawyer


When you need a family lawyer, you’re probably going through a very stressful time in your life. Many people need a family lawyer when they’re getting a divorce, which is never easy.

That’s why you need someone that you can trust implicitly. Having a trusting relationship with your family lawyer means you don’t have to worry about them doing their job properly. You can trust them to make the right recommendations and decisions about your case. And  to get you a fair and reasonable outcome. And an outcome that is really in your best interests, not the interests of the lawyer.


Having the right experience is crucial when it comes to picking the right family lawyer.

Make sure that your family lawyer has worked on many cases similar to yours, someone with a good knowledge of the area of law they will be dealing with and who knows what needs to be done at every stage in a way that is your best interests.


You need to be able to understand what happens, each step of the way.

Choosing a family lawyer who can explain matters to you in simple terms that you can clearly understand is essential.


Honesty is critical when it comes to choosing the right family lawyer. You need to choose someone who will always be honest with you – even when it’s not something that you want to hear.

You pay your lawyer to do what’s best for you, not what you want them to do. Sometimes what you want and what is best doesn’t match up and having a lawyer that’s prepared to stand up to you and be honest about how to move forward is important.

Choosing the right family lawyer may not be easy but, thinking about these factors may help you to make the best decision possible.

If you would prefer to avoid the stresses and strains of taking your divorce disagreements to the courts, consider family mediation.

When it comes to family mediation in Perth, Ian Shann from Move On can help you to move on from your relationship – without the stress and expense.

Talk to us today about how family mediation could help you move on sooner than you thought possible.

Contact Ian online or call now on 0418 928 448.