by Ian Shann | May 31, 2018 | Family Courts
Move On Mediation founder and accredited family mediator Ian Shann was invited by ABC radio to comment on the recent revisions to the Family Court. Listen here from 3.42 Find out about family...
by Ian Shann | May 23, 2018 | Mediation
When you get divorced you have to work out how to split your assets. Many couples know they need to split their real estate, cash, cars and personal possessions but, many also don’t realise that superannuation also comes into the picture. here’s what you need to...
by Ian Shann | May 12, 2018 | Relationships
What rights do grandparents have to see their grandchildren? When a family unit breaks up, it’s stressful for everyone involved. Parents need to learn how to navigate new family structures as a single parent or with new partners. Children have to adjust their lives...
by Ian Shann | Apr 26, 2018 | Mediation
If you are a parent and getting a divorce, you may encounter the issue of “sole vs joint custody”. The terms “custody” and “access” are no longer used in the Family Law Act but they are terms commonly used when talking about arrangements for children. It is important...
by Ian Shann | Apr 23, 2018 | Family Courts
Even if you’re breaking up amicably, you may need a formal agreement to legally end your relationship. It’s great if you can come to an amicable agreement about finalising and separating your finances when a relationship breaks down. But beware, such agreements...